Interior Exterior Collection
You could say this collection of original paintings is about water, rocks and the sea, but really it’s an amalgamation of my thoughts and emotions at the time of painting - which happened to follow a trip to North Cornwall. To me, water represents emotion, it holds it and cleanses it from our bodies. Wild swimming in my local lake replenishes my inspiration and fills my need to have my body held in water. The collection is held together by a thought, an idea:
“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”
I’ve been interested in how our inner emotions and feelings affect how we perceive our surroundings and are affected by them. My work here is to inspire those who want to go on the same journey. To look within and find the joy in realisations about how we act as we do as human beings in this world.
I worked intuitively on these pieces. I moved with what felt right in the moment, sometimes fast or slower more considered marks are made. I tuned into my body, my feelings. This, backed by my training in Design, Homeware, colour and illustration, I created works that are, to me, balanced and hold the present moment.
Currently, communities aren’t perhaps as strong as they once were, technology takes us further away from human contact, loneliness is one of the top causes of suicide in the UK. We need to feel some human connection. It’s one of the most important ingredients for a happy life.
Sharing my personal journey through my art, I hope it will help and inspire others to feel connected, less alone, and to realise we are all as humans going through very similar difficulties. Understanding of human emotions and allowing ourselves to feel what we need to, encourages healing, for yourself and, in turn, those around you as you inspire those by living from your inspirations and values. I believe it can change the world for the better.
Grow, love and find joy,